Ep. 2 - Frequency Theory (Part I)
Runtime: 43 min
In order to understand sound healing, we need to understand sound. In this episode, we will explore important principles of sound itself, such as the physics of sound waves and the way they interact.
What we'll cover:
— What are Herz (Hz) Frequencies?
— The 432 Hz debate
— Human Auditory Cognition
— Mechanical Pressure Waves
— Sonic Connotation (human listening bias)
— Infrasound and Ultrasound
— How are Notes and Chakras related?
— Overtones and Undertones
— Solfeggio Frequencies and Numerology
— White Noise and Environmental Sounds
— Scales, Funademntals and Microtones
— Octaves and Intervals
— Notes and Instrument Combinations
Runtime: 43 min
In order to understand sound healing, we need to understand sound. In this episode, we will explore important principles of sound itself, such as the physics of sound waves and the way they interact.
What we'll cover:
— What are Herz (Hz) Frequencies?
— The 432 Hz debate
— Human Auditory Cognition
— Mechanical Pressure Waves
— Sonic Connotation (human listening bias)
— Infrasound and Ultrasound
— How are Notes and Chakras related?
— Overtones and Undertones
— Solfeggio Frequencies and Numerology
— White Noise and Environmental Sounds
— Scales, Funademntals and Microtones
— Octaves and Intervals
— Notes and Instrument Combinations